Free internet, wifi and data resources

Resources to help if you have limited or no access to the internet, wifi or mobile data.

The Help for early years providers site will use mobile data when your device is not connected to the internet or wifi. The videos on the site will use a larger amount of data than a text page. We recommend that you connect to the internet or wifi to read the resources and watch any videos.

The following resources can help, if you have limited or no access to the internet, wifi or mobile data.

Free wifi in your area

Many local authorities offer free wifi in city centres and government buildings, like libraries. There may be information on your local authority’s website about accessing free wifi in your area.

Find your local authority website.

Online Centres Network

Online Centres Network provide access to the internet and help using it. Some centres also offer training courses. These services are usually free. Enter your postcode to search for centres in your area.

Guest internet access in schools and early years settings

If you are a practitioner in a school or early years setting, they may have a policy to allow guest users to access their internet network. If this is the case, you will be able to connect to the internet on your own device.

Support for small businesses and community organisations

If your early years setting has limited or no internet access, you may be able to get government support to help.

Gigabit Broadband Voucher Scheme

Your setting may be eligible for the government’s Gigabit Broadband Voucher Scheme. The scheme offers grants to help improve internet access in rural areas.

Check if your setting is eligible.

The National Databank

The National Databank provides free data for community organisations.